Selasa, 09 Februari 2016

Simple Binary Translator From Binary To Text Or Text To Binary

Pada Postingan ini merupakan cara tercepat mengetahui kode biner secara otomatis mengartikan kode biner tersebut menjadi teks dan mengartikan teks menjadi kode biner dengan mudah.

Binary number system or base two number system is a system of writing numbers using two symbols 0 and 1.

This Simple Binary Translator is the fastest way to know the binary code automatically translate the binary code to text and translate text into binary code with ease.
  • Type your text in Column 1, it will be converted directly by binary translator!
  • You can also use a converter, and translated from binary to text. Type your binary code into Column 2, and press "Translate !".

Your Text Here! (Column 1)

Your Binary Code Here! (Column 2)

Your binary code has been translated, copy & paste this code. Thank You.

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